Helene Cazier, Henkel global business development director shares Henkel solutions for new energy vehicles
I notice that Henkel’s adhesive business is emphasizing your focus on new energy vehicle sectors, what is the reason behind?
Helene Cazier:这是一个非常好的问题。这背后有两个主要的原因,最主要的原因是因为我们知道环境问题变得越来越突出,尤其是在中国,环境问题已经成为人们最关注的话题之一。在众多污染环境的因素中,汽车排放是造成PM2.5的主要原因。根据一项最近的调查显示,汽车尾气所产生的PM2.5占北京PM2.5平均浓度的31.1%。中国的环保部长已经提出要采取严厉手段控制汽车尾气以改善空气质量。因此,如何使汽车更环保就成了我们面对的一个重大挑战。很明显,新能源汽车就是解决这一问题的重要方案,中国政府也非常支持新能源汽车的发展。
It is a very good question. there are two main reasons behind this which motivate us to develop our adhesive solutions for new energy vehicles.
The key reason is that we see environmental protection is becoming increasingly important and especially in China environment pollution has been one of the outstanding issues. Within all of the pollution generating factors, automobile is the main cause for PM 2.5, according to a recent survey, automobile emissions contribute 31.1 percent of Beijing's average PM2.5 density. The Minister of Environmental Protection of PRC has urged crack-down on automobiles with excessive exhaust emissions to improve air quality. So, how to make automobiles more environmentally friendly is becoming a crucial challenge we are facing. New energy vehicle (NEV) is definitely an important solution to respond to this challenge, and the development of NEV is also encouraged by the government.
The second reason is that Henkel has built an extensive range of products and system solutions. We believe that we can contribute our expertise to help China’s NEV development. As a key partner of China’s automotive industry, OEM and auto suppliers, we hope our know-how on high performance adhesives and sealants can benefit them and create opportunities to design and build advanced lightweight vehicles, enabling seemingly conflicting aims, such as higher speeds and lower fuel consumption, to be reconciled.
The second reason is that Henkel has built an extensive range of products and system solutions. We believe that we can contribute our expertise to help China’s NEV development. As a key partner of China’s automotive industry, OEM and auto suppliers, we hope our know-how on high performance adhesives and sealants can benefit them and create opportunities to design and build advanced lightweight vehicles, enabling seemingly conflicting aims, such as higher speeds and lower fuel consumption, to be reconciled.
So, could you please give me some more details of your solutions in NEV?
Helene Cazier:汉高公司针对纯电、油电混合以及燃料电池汽车的部件和系统提供多种多样的应用解决方案,涵盖表面处理、磁性粘结、震动、噪音和舒适性、浸渍和密封、填料以及热界面产品。
Helene Cazier: Henkel offers a broad portfolio of applications for electric, hybrid and fuel cell vehicle components and systems, including surface treatment, magnet bonding, NVH, impregnation and sealing and gasketing.
l 乐泰浸渍树脂孔腔密封技术
l 电子器件专用的乐泰高级填料
l 专为重要连接器接口长时间密封设计的敏感部件封装技术
l 多种电池组装胶,用于电池传导涂层、粘合、密封以及电池组防震
l 能帮助包括锂离子电池组在内的诸多电子元件维持适宜温度的贝格斯热控制材料
l 熔融胶低压模塑技术,用于连接件、垫圈、传感器、电路板……
l 能给锂离子电池提供更高电导的阴极黏合底料
Henkel has many innovative solutions supported by engineering expertise for:
l Pores and cavities Sealing with Loctite Impregnation Resins.
l Loctite Advanced Gasketing for electrical / electronic enclosures.
l Encapsulation of sensitive components for long-term seal for critical connector interfaces.
l Battery Assembly adhesives, from conductive coating of cells, to bonding and sealing, or crash resistance of battery packs.
l Macromelt Low Pressure Molding with hot melt adhesives for tight encapsulation of connectors, grommets, sensors, PCB,…
l Cathode Adhesive Primer for higher Li-Ion battery conductivity
Within all of those solutions, which one is your prioritized innovation?
Helene Cazier:这也是一个好问题,我们确实有很多前沿创新产品。举个例子,我们最近设计并推出了能够广泛应用在新能源汽车的锂电池上的磷酸盐表面处理导电涂层,这种涂料可以减小接触电阻并增加阴极阳极电池层之间的粘合性,从而改善电池性能,延长电池寿命。
Helene Cazier: This is also a good question, we do have some prioritized innovation. For example, we recently designed and launched new BonDERITE conductive coatings that are widely used in the lithium-ion batteries of alternative energy vehicles. The coatings reduce contact resistance and improve adhesion between the positive and negative electrode cell layers, which can improve battery performance and extend battery life.
We are also leveraging our experience in the development, manufacturing, and maintenance of vehicles and transportation systems to better serve EV market needs. The industry profits from Henkel’s exceptional high performance adhesives and sealants. These solutions give companies the platform to design and build advanced lightweight constructions and marry seemingly conflicting objectives (such as higher speeds and lower energy consumption needed to enhance the driving range of EVs) into harmoniously profitable innovations.
Henkel also makes an important contribution to safety, comfort, and value retention. Components made of highly rigid structural foams absorb impact energy in the event of a crash (improved safety); innovative sound-deadening materials improve vehicle acoustics (more comfort); and special pretreatment systems for car bodies optimizes corrosion protection and paint adhesion. At the same time, Henkel’s ‘know-how’ helps customers conserve environmental resources and increase the efficiency of their production processes.
In your opinion, what are the challenges China is facing in developing NEV?
Helene Cazier:最大的挑战之一是电池技术,包括电池续航时间和寿命,充电时间也需要渐渐改善。同时充电站的设立也尚未普及,这会对消费者购买新能源汽车的信心产生很大影响。但尽管有这些困难,我们仍然坚信新能源汽车将有一个光明的前景,我认为会有越来越多的解决思路来处理这些问题。
Helene Cazier: One of the biggest challenges is that the battery technology still needs to be improved progressively, including battery range, life and charging period. Meanwhile, the charging station has not been popularized yet, which will affect customers’ confidence in purchasing NEVs.
Despite of the challenges, we believe that NEV will have a bright future and there will be more and more solutions launched to overcome those challenges.
We have also seen great support from the government. For example, The State Council released the “13th five-year plan for the development of national strategic emerging industries.” By increasing the prevalence rate of new energy and energy-efficient vehicles, the low-carbon industry will develop into a key industry. By 2020, the scale of the industry will become CNY 1.0 billion or greater. The prevalence scale of new energy vehicles will be expanded as well. By 2020, annual production/sales volume will reach to at least 2.0 million units and cumulative total will reach to over 5.0 million units. Technical level of new energy vehicle makers and suppliers nationally will be raised to that of the international level, making the vehicle makers and suppliers competitive outside China. Quality and performance of electrified vehicles will be improved. By 2020, the industry will become competitive.
We see Henkel is quite active in supporting Formula E, what is the reason behind this initiative?
Helene Cazier:是的,我们是国际汽车联合会(FIA)电动方程式赛车锦标赛中国队的合作伙伴之一。电动方程式赛车锦标赛是FIA的第一项仅限电动方程式赛车参加的长期全球性赛车锦标赛。我们十分支持此项活动的原因是它能够长期促进环保技术。
Helene Cazier: Yes, you are right, we are partner of the Federation Internationale de l'Automobile (FIA) Formula E Team China Racing. Formula E is the FIA’s first sustainable global motorsport championship featuring Formula cars powered exclusively by electric energy. We love this program, because it promotes sustainable technology for the environment.
It has partnered with Henkel as its exclusive adhesive supplier because Henkel has advanced technologies specially designed for electric vehicles, which will help keep Team China on the cutting edge of innovation to adapt to Formula E’s new era. Henkel provides race-side technicians and experts to Formula E, which has given us an excellent opportunity to demonstrate our commitment to sustainability and showcase Henkel innovative solutions for the automotive electrical/electronic systems and alternative energy vehicle systems. These solutions contribute to lightweight design, optimal manufacturing process, cost efficiency and sustainability.
Could you please introduce Henkel and your business in automotive market?
Helene Cazier:汉高在全球拥有领先的品牌和技术,主要业务分布在三个领域:洗涤剂和家用护理,化妆品和美容用品,粘合剂技术。创立于1976,汉高拥有在全球处于引领地位的以一般消费者和企业为对象的品牌,例如宝莹,施华蔻和乐泰。
Helene Cazier: Henkel operates worldwide with leading brands and technologies in three business areas: Laundry & Home Care, Beauty Care and adhesive technologies. Since its foundation in1976, Henkel has held globally leading market position both in consumer and industrial business with well-known brands such as Persil, Schwarzkopf and Loctite.
Henkel China have made remarkable achievements by contributing over one third of sales in Henkel AP area. Henkel China operates in Henkel’s two strategic business units- Adhesive Technologies and Beauty Care.
Through 10 years consistent input and maintenance, Henkel’s various brands such as Schwarzkopf, Loctite, Teroson, Pritt, Pattex, Ceresit won awareness in Chinese Market. At the same time, Henkel actively Implements localization strategy, and develops local brands including Guangming and Panda.
In 1988, Henkel established a representative office in Beijing. In 1990, Henkel found its first joint venture in China. Since June 2007, the Henkel Asia-Pacific and China Headquarters has been based in Zhangjiang High Technology Park. In 2009, Henkel was awarded China Top50 Green Company by Business Journal.
Since its entry into China in the early 1990s, Henkel has become a recognized market leader in adhesives, sealants and surface treatments for China's automotive industry.
So far, Henkel has built 7 manufacturing plants (Changchun, Danyang, Yantai, Nanhui in Shanghai, Guangzhou and Chengdu) in China. With its extensive range of products and system solutions, Henkel is a key partner in the development and manufacturing procedures of OEM and auto suppliers. The automotive industry, OEM and auto suppliers all benefit from Henkel's extremely high performance adhesives and sealants. These materials create opportunities to design and build advanced lightweight vehicles and to enable seemingly conflicting aims, such as higher speeds and lower fuel consumption, to be reconciled. Henkel also makes an important contribution to safety, comfort and value retention. Components made of highly rigid structural foams absorb impact energy in the event of a crash (improved safety); innovative sound-deadening materials improve vehicle acoustics (more comfort); special pretreatment systems for car bodies optimize corrosion protection and paint adhesion (more durable). At the same time, Henkel's know-how helps customers to conserve environmental resources and increase the efficiency of their production processes. Loctite®, Bonderite® and Teroson® are famous recognized brand among customers. In summary, Henkel's cutting edge solutions are designed to make vehicle safer, more durable and more comfortable.
Is that possible you can give us some actual examples to explain how you are helping the automotive industry?
Helene Cazier:我们最近的一项业务就是一个非常好的例子。前不久我们利用我们的Bonderite M-NT1820表面预处理技术帮助上海通用汽车公司升级了他们的汽车涂层生产线。上海通用汽车公司的金桥南工厂已经采用我们的传统磷酸锌预处理程序处理了三十万辆客车。去年我们帮助涂料车间把预处理程序升级为锆薄膜处理,仅仅试运行一周后就成功开始大规模作业。
Helene Cazier: Yes, we have a recent case which can be a very good example. We recently helped SAIC-GM to upgrade its car coating line by using our Bonderite® M-NT 1820 surface pretreatment technology. SAIC-GM’s Jinqiao South plant, applied our traditional zinc phosphating pretreatment process to handle 300,000 units of passenger vehicles. Last year, we helped the paint shop upgrade its pretreatment process with zirconium thin film treatment which went into mass production merely after a one-week commissioning.
现在几乎所有的汽车原始设备供应商都在使用传统的磷化处理技术,但这种技术已经无法满足越来越严格的环保需要,因为它有着高能耗、高重金属含量和高废料废液等诸多缺点。在预处理技术变得更环境友好、更经济、更优质和更人性化的大趋势下,汉高推出了Bonderite M-NT1820薄膜预处理,这是一项可以替代传统磷化处理的革命性新技术。这项开创性的技术重新定义了汽车行业中的表面预处理技术,并为汽车制造行业树立了新的标准。
Currently, almost all automotive OEMs are using traditional phosphating treatment process which apparently can no longer meet the ever-stricter environmental requirements due to its defects such as high energy consumption, high heavy metal content and high solid and liquid waste streams. With a trend of more environment-friendly, cost-effective, high-quality and user-friendly pretreatment technology, Henkel launched Bonderite® M-NT 1820 thin film pretreatment, a revolutionary technology that is viewed as an alternative to the traditional phosphating pretreatment. This ground-breaking solution has redefined the surface pretreatment technology in the automotive industry and set new standards for automotive manufacturers.
Last year, we have also won SURCAR Award for Environmental Footprint for the paint shop application of our Bonderite® thin film pretreatment technology in passenger vehicle coating. The prize marks another milestone for Henkel in our pursuit of sustainable development.
Helene Cazier 简介:
Hélène Cazier is Corporate Director for the Automotive Electronics global business within the Transport & metal division of Henkel. She is also responsible for Automotive Component Solution business in Asia-Pacific, based in Shanghai.
Before taking her current assignment, Hélène held several leadership positions in Henkel, among others in Purchasing and Business Development, and as well worked in different countries such as France, Ireland, Germany and China.
Helene holds a Master in International Purchasing and has over 10 years of professional experience in the Chemical, Consumer Goods and Automotive Industry.
Hélène Cazier 是汉高交通运输及金属部门汽车电子全球业务的公司总监,负责上海的亚太地区汽车部件解决方案业务。